Trusting your Intuition
Intuition or our inner tutor is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. It is your internal guidance or internal road map which can help point you in the right direction in so many areas of your life. Intuitive guidance can come to you in lots of different ways, such as:
We are all born intuitive; we need not acquire anything to be intuitive but we must learn to use and trust our intuition. You know you are already very intuitive if you walk into a room and sense the energy within it or if you can feel that someone isn’t telling you the truth from a phone call or text message or you just know a situation isn’t right or you feel very strongly that you should/shouldn’t do something. Have you experienced any of these feelings? Then you are in touch with your inner guidance or intuition! Many people forget that they are spiritual beings. They are present in their physical lives but forget about their sixth sensory feelings. It can be very difficult to be intuitive in a noisy chaotic environment. In order to connect with our inner selves it is important to slow down and spend time in reflection or stillness either through meditation or through, for example, walks in nature that better enable us to access our inner guidance system. Trusting your intuition is much easier when we allow our minds to quiet. Nature can help us more easily connect with our hearts and instincts. The more you start listening to your intuition the stronger our connection becomes. Intuitive guidance is essentially quiet and still. To get to it does take practice. Meditation is one way to isolate the voice so you can begin to know/feel it. Other ways include: 1.Dedicating time to listen to your intuition each day. ... 2.Ask questions. ... 3.Be open to receiving answers 4.Write down your answers. ... 5.Trust yourself. Seems pretty simple, but sometimes being open and trusting that our intuition will guide us is the trickiest part. Most of us have no problem hearing the message, but acting upon the message or understanding and trusting it can sometimes be challenging. Often our rational mind or ego will step in to make us doubt ourselves, and especially when our intuition is proven to be wrong for whatever reason; the ego has a field day. Believe me when I say that you are already intuitive, you just need to start trusting this. Take a moment to think about all the times you have heard or received some intuitive knowing or insights. Perhaps you can even start keeping an intuition journal where you record all your intuitive hunches, how they made you feel and whether or not they were accurate. When you are starting out, it is good to get an idea of what your intuition really sounds and feels like to you, which is why writing it down can be beneficial. Most people describe it as an inner-knowing but your experience may be different. Clear Your Mind - There are hundreds, if not thousands of thoughts floating through our mind every day, so having a clear mind can definitely help. The average person can have up to 65,000 thoughts in a day! Meditation is often the best tool to help clear your mind, but it doesn’t suit everyone. Some people experience the same stillness of meditation through writing, creative work, art, music or gardening. Do whatever hobby or practice that allows you to go within, stay present and clear your mind. You can also simply focus on doing some deep breaths in and out maybe 5-10 times in order to still and focus your mind. Dreams - Another way our intuition speaks to us is through dreams. Dream interpretation is often very unique and I believe that we all have the ability to decode our own dreams as each message we receive is unique to everyone. Our dreams are a great clue into our subconscious mind and inner thoughts and feelings. By paying attention to the types of dreams you are having, and how you were feeling within the dream, you can slowly start to piece together different messages and where you may need healing. Intuitive Exercises - There are a couple of exercises you can do to help strengthen your intuition such as using angel cards or tarot cards and practicing on your friends and family. Certain crystals can also help enhance your intuition such as amethyst and lapis lazuli, aquamarine. Buy a deck of Angel or Tarot cards and begin practicing on your friends and family. Both of these can be found at most esoteric and metaphysical book shops. Crystals such as Amethyst can be powerful in helping to enhance your intuition. Clear Quartz crystals also work in harmony with the body and encourage clear and open communication which can also help when developing your intuition. Aquamarine and its linkage to the element of water also makes it an amazing tool to develop clarity in vision, communication and intuition. At the end of the day, the most effective way to boost your intuition is to learn to trust it and remain open to the signs that come your way. The more you become aware of it and acknowledge & listen to it, the stronger and more accurate it will become. Have fun!! Sinead
At my workshops I often get asked by people what to I mean when I refer to vibration and why is it so important to keep your vibrational frequency high. To understand vibration you have to realise that we are all energy and we are all vibrating at different frequencies. This applies to every single thing in our universe. Even what we perceive as a solid object is really just energy vibrating at a slow enough rate to appear physical to our eye/senses. Every single thing is made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. Every day we unknowingly emit a vibrational frequency at some level. All vibrations operate at high and low frequencies and people are drawn to us by this frequency as energy attracts energy. Every thought, word and action carries its own vibrational frequency. It comes back to the Universal Law of Attraction- you are drawn to situations, people or objects that are in line with your vibrational resonance. For example when we emit a high vibrational frequency we may be feeling very positive, we may be full of optimism and living in the flow of life. As a result we may draw people and experiences into our lives that are equally positive and abundant. If our vibrational frequency is low, we may be living in fear, feeling ill, anxious, and depressed and have low energy. When we are in a negative vibrational pattern, we tend to attract situations, people and lessons in our life to bring awareness towards our behaviour. As we go through this life we are going to have occasions when our vibration becomes low. I have listed below a number of practices below that can help you to raise your vibration and keep it high so that you can invite abundance into your life!
Do you love yourself? What is your immediate reaction when you hear this question being asked? Do you immediately think of faults within your physical body, improvements you would like made e.g. ‘well I’d love myself more if I was thinner etc’? As an energy healer I’m always amazed at how such a simple question can completely throw people, yet it is such an important part of self-healing. People often confuse loving one’s self with being full of one ’s self. It can often be assumed that you are big headed or arrogant if you declare that you do love yourself. But why is it so difficult to give yourself permission for self love? For me the journey to loving myself has been a long one. It has taken me years of self work and healing to be able to say that at this point in my life I do love myself. While having a spiritual conversation with a colleague recently, the topic of self love came up. My colleague immediately started picking out perceived faults within his own physical self. I declared to him that I’m 40 (plus) and fabulous and he started roaring laughing declaring me delusional. I find this reaction amusing as he immediately assumed that I must perceive myself as a supermodel! So what do I mean when I talk about self-love? In my opinion self-love is loving every single aspect of yourself good and bad. We live in a world of duality and every single person has duality within them. Self love in my opinion, is about being compassionate with yourself and loving not only the light aspects within yourself but acknowledging and loving the darker emotions too. As a child I was extremely shy and preferred the company of my animals to other children. I was extremely sensitive and had no self-confidence what so ever. This lack of confidence spilled over into my teenage years and I suffered a lot from low self-esteem. I had a lot of anxiety around my home life and I hated never having any control over my life. To compound the issue I had skin problems as a teenager and would have spent a long time looking in the mirror despising myself. As I mentioned earlier my journey to getting to where I am now has been a long one. To get here I have had to heal a lot of my own inner child. I have had to tell her through meditation that she’ll be okay and love and hug her. When we act in ways that expand self-love we begin to accept and become aware of our weaknesses and strengths and we can begin to lead a more fulfilled life. I know I’m not a super model, but now when I look at my round tummy I’m grateful that I was able to carry my three children. I see bags under my eyes and grey hair sprouting on top my head but I’m grateful that I’m healthy and well and that I’m living a fulfilling life as a mother and as a healer/teacher. I can tell You right now that you are Fabulous and Amazing! Look at all you have come through in your life and you are still here shining your light. Why not give yourself a break and admit that you have come through so much in your life and you are amazing for doing so, whatever your size or age. Open up your heart chakra and let that love shine bright not only for others but for yourself too. Start being kind to yourself as well as to others and learn to appreciate your life. Making mistakes is all a part of life so accept them, embrace them and learn from them and don’t scold yourself for making them as they are unavoidable part of this journey. Here are some tips on how to learn some self compassion and self love:
Sinead We have all heard the term ‘keep the chin up’ or ‘stay positive’. This is something we might say to people if we know they are facing a difficult situation or are experiencing a tough time. Without even thinking too deeply about it we generally acknowledge that it is important to try to maintain a positive outlook, particularly in times of difficulty. But very often people can form a pattern or a cycle of negative thinking and it can be very difficult to change this way of thinking. In some cases this may have been a pattern formed in early childhood as some kind of protective mechanism, or it might have become a way of consciously dealing with disappointment. This pattern can for some people become a way of life if not addressed. But what are the effects of negative thinking and how does it actually affect your body?
I meet so many clients in my energy healing practice who have a hard time pulling themselves out of negativity and often feel overwhelmed by it. One particular lady who came to me for a treatment, we’ll call her Marie, felt completely overwhelmed by such feelings and couldn’t move forward in her life. She felt completely ‘stuck’. Outwardly there was nothing obvious in her life that could cause her to have such feelings of fear and doubt. She had a job that she was happy enough with, a good network of friends and she was in a relationship but feelings of negativity were with Marie from morning until night and she just couldn’t change her mind set. This was getting to the point where she was living every day in constant fear and she was deeply unhappy. The reason Marie came to me in the first place was because of her feelings of fatigue and a poor immune system (she had a number of colds and flu’s within a 12 month period). She had been to the doctor but her blood results had shown up no obvious reason for her tiredness. After speaking with Marie for a few minutes, she burst into tears and told me of her general sense of unworthiness and the irrational fears that were her constant companion. When I tuned into Marie I found that she had some deep emotional issues and belief systems stemming back from her childhood. She had buried these ‘inner child’ issues deep within her, and in fact had been carrying belief patterns and energies that had been passed on from her parents. Throughout the session we worked on Marie healing these patterns of behaviours (through Marie visualising herself as a little girl ). Marie also had blockages and stagnant energy around a number of her main chakras including her heart chakra which prevented her from fully loving herself and others. During the session Marie felt a huge emotional release as limiting beliefs such as self-doubt and negative patterns of behaviour were brought to light and healed. At the end of the session I explained to Marie the importance of self-love and explained that it is important to watch and choose her thoughts. It can be easy to fall into a pattern of negative internal dialogue. It is important to remember that your outside world very often is a reflection of your inside world. The process of being kinder to herself will be on-going work for Maire and she will have to work on choosing positive thoughts until this becomes normal practice. When we accept negative thoughts or when we try to hide away our emotions the flow of energy throughout our body becomes disrupted and the body can malfunction leading to physical issues. Our thoughts and our body are fully connected. Taking small steps, such as taking a few minutes for yourself every morning and every evening to list the things you are grateful for in your life will help to raise your vibration. Also during this time take a few deep controlled breaths (mini-meditation). Focus on little goals you want to achieve, even if it is only going a little walk every evening, as once you achieve these goals you will feel better and this will help raise your vibration. We can all incorporate small changes into our lives to make ourselves feel a bit better. Marie was committed to working on herself after our session and when feelings of fear did arise she was able to look at what was triggering these feelings instead of hiding from them. She now takes time every week to do meditation and yoga and uses positive affirmations every day. She says her life has transformed and she hasn’t had a cold in 6 months. This is just one example of how changing thought patterns can have a positive effect on the physical body. Sinead White – Energy Healer January 2019 |
October 2019
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